Thursday, 12 January 2012

Alexa Rank

What is Alexa traffic rank?
The Alexa traffic rank of a website compares how much traffic websites are getting on the Internet with a site ranked number 1 having the most visitors. Currently, Google is ranked number 1, Facebook is ranked number 2, and YouTube is ranked number 3.

Your Alexa traffic ranking is based upon three months of Data collected by millions of Alexa toolbar users and data from various traffic data sources.

Your Alexa traffic ranking will improve as you gain visitors through relevant content, publicity, referrals from other sites, social media, organic leads through SEO, etc.
How to Increase Your Alexa Rank
Alexa offers a useful tool for free that you can use to promote your Flash website. It is a free toolbar that can be downloaded and used for searches. What makes it so useful is that it only pulls sites from Alexa’s database.
This means that, if you can get your customers and clients to use it, your competition is dramatically reduced and your Alexa rank increases. Advertisers, networks, and webmasters use your Alexa rank to gauge your website. While some feel this is unfair, it is still a fact of life on the Internet.

The trick is to get the people to use the toolbar. There are some easy ways to do this and, as you start to build your traffic, you may think of other ways to get the Alexa toolbar on your visitors’ and potential visitors’ desktops.

SEO Basics
Organic SEO is the best way to build your page rank in any search engine’s database. Content can make or break your website so be sure your content is engaging, dynamic, and valuable to visitors. Google places a large amount of emphasis on content in its algorithms. It also relies heavily on inbound and outbound relevant links. A network of links from articles and blog posts (including their comments) and bookmarked on article directories can increase the value of your website in a search engine’s eyes. Only use organic SEO to promote your site; non-organic or black hat SEO may produce short and quick results, but they will not be lasting.

Promoting Your Flash Website to Increase Your Alexa Rank
One of the most effective ways to increase your Alexa rank is to promote your website and the Alexa toolbar. The toolbar is free so it is relatively easy to get people to download it. Offer it on all pages of your website. Include the link in all of your e-mails in your signature and in all e-mail ads and newsletters. Convince friends and family to use it exclusively to search for your site. Each time a searcher uses Alexa’s toolbar and goes to your site, it raises your rank.

Use the Alexa Site Audit
Not only does Alexa offer a free toolbar, they also offer a site audit. If you sign up for an audit, their bots crawl your site and give you a detailed report that includes several important factors that affect your site’s rank. In your audit report, you not only find out what needs to be improved, but ways you can do it. An audit report includes some of the following:

Reachable – how easy is it for people to find your site
On-site links – how many links do you have and are they working and related to your site
Your site reputation – quality of incoming links from other sites
Page optimization – warnings for any duplicate content or duplicate links, duplicate title tags warnings, low word count on pages, dead-end pages, and links that do not work
Keywords – quality of keywords and their effectiveness
Link recommendations – how you can fix your links

This report can be used to increase your rank in Alexa as well as your site’s rank in other search engines. A prioritized list of suggested improvements is included in your site audit that you can implement to increase your rank. For example, if Alexa finds that you content is lacking or that your keywords are not effective, you can do keyword research and include them in your rewritten content. Broken links kill your SEO and your site rank. The site audit will find any broken links so that you can fix them. You audit report will also suggest where you can place links to be more effective and make your site more attractive to search engine’s bots. Meta descriptions are summaries of the page’s content. Search engines use these in their results summaries if they are high quality. Meta descriptions also tell the search engine’s bots what your page is about and make it easier to rank. Alexa will tell you if your meta descriptions are up to snuff or if they are missing altogether. By using the tools that Alexa gives you and having your Flash website properly optimized, you can increase not only your rank in Alexa but all across the Web.

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