Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Google Page Rank

What is Google Page Rank :
Google Page Rank is a system for ranking Web pages used by the Google search engine. It was developed by Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University. In the context of their researches Page and Brin checked the idea that if a search engine will determine the most relevant pages according to the relationships between web sites, it should be more effective, then other search engines of that time.

This conception became the basis of the foundation of Google Search Engine and nowadays PageRank is the heart of Google's algorithm and makes it the most complex of all the search engines.

Google PageRank uses the Internet's link structure as an indication of each web page's relevancy value. A link from page A to page B is interpreted as a vote, by page A, for page B. In Google PageRank the page that casts the vote is also analyzed. “Votes” made by competent web sites weigh more heavily and give an opportunity to linked site to be considered as a qualitative one.

Web page that has links from many pages with high Google PageRank receives a high rank itself. But only relevant links, which are connected to your sphere and are useful for your customers, could be valued. The absence of links means that there is no support for that page and it will not get satisfactory Google PageRank.

Sites with high Google PageRank get a higher ranking in Google results. Further, since Google is currently the world's most popular search engine, the ranking a site receives in its search results has a significant impact on the volume of visitor traffic for that site.

Above mentioned states on the fact that on the way of organizing a qualitative web resource, it’s important to concentrate on such appearance as Google PageRank, and provide web site with competent links. Of course PageRank isn't the only factor that Google uses to rank pages, but it is rather important one to pay attention to it.

But not every link is good for your site. Some of them can cause web site to be penalized by Google. It’s evident that sometimes you cannot control which sites link to yours one, but you should control which sites you link to. That’s why inbound links cannot make harm, but if a page links to penalized ones the result can be grievous. So, try to be more scrupulous in your link building campaign aimed to better Google PageRank.

You can take advantage of an opportunity of using Google Toolbar to check your PageRank. It could be uploaded for free at http://toolbar.google.com/index_xp.html. Google Toolbar provides several services, among which you can notice 10-grade scale, in which green line shows Google Page Rank of the page you visit. Such solution is not perfect because it’s not enough of 10 grades to have the full view of situation. Moreover, there is such opinion that this toolbar doesn’t perform true activities and is only for entertainment purposes; that Google constantly updates its Page Rank because of hacker’s attempts to this data and toolbar presents out-of-date activities.

To get success in the sphere of Internet, it is necessary to be well-informed in Google PageRank. The ascendancy of Google in the search engine world and the importance in its essential principles, of such notion as Google PageRank, couldn’t be underestimated.

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